You are on the website of Skillenium Company. It is important to read the conditions below carefully, as they govern the purchase of online services offered by Skillenium Company.

The "click" of validation after filling out your order form constitutes an irrevocable acceptance of these general conditions. You can only order services if you accept these conditions.

1. Preamble :

These general conditions of sale govern all transactions carried out on the website. Any order placed on this site implies full and complete acceptance of these conditions by the customer.

2. Object :

This contract is a distance contract that aims to define the rights and obligations of the parties in the context of the sale of online training management services (LMS) by Skillenium Company, on the Internet, through the platform, a service and a registered trademark of Skillenium SARL.

3. Definitions :

In the following contract, each of the expressions mentioned above will be understood in the sense of its definition, namely:

  • "Distance contract": any contract concerning goods or services between Skillenium Company and a Consumer within the framework of a system of sale or provision of services organized by Skillenium Company which, for this contract, exclusively uses the Internet network until the conclusion of the contract, including the conclusion of the contract itself.
  • "Consumer": any natural person who, in this contract, acts for purposes that do not fall within the scope of their professional activity.
  • "Order form": Document specifying the characteristics of the services ordered and binding the Consumer upon validation.
  • "Order": act by which the Consumer undertakes to purchase Products / Services and Skillenium Company to deliver them.

4. Services :

The services offered include online training and subscriptions to the LMS platform. These services are offered within the limits of the technical capacities of our servers and the availability of trainers. Skillenium reserves the right to modify or withdraw services without notice.

5. Place an order :

After selecting the desired services, click on "order". You can modify your order at any time before final validation by clicking on "pay". In case of error, a cancellation request can be sent by email within 24 hours.
After cancellation of the order by Skillenium, you can order again.

6. Price :

The prices mentioned in the catalog are indicated in Moroccan dirham excluding tax, are valid at the time of consultation by the customer and are those in effect at the time of the order.
VAT is calculated on the order form based on the rate applicable on the day of the order. The order form and transactions are made in Moroccan DH. Any change in the rate will be automatically reflected in the price of the products.

7. Order execution :

The ordered services are made available immediately after payment validation or at the latest within 7 days. In case of temporary unavailability of a service, the Consumer can request a refund or a postponement of their access to the platform or training.

8. Delivery :

Since these are dematerialized services, delivery is made by sending the necessary access to the platform or by a download link. There are no delivery charges.

9. Payment method :

To pay for your order, you choose the payment method from those offered by on the payment page.

In this case, the transaction for debiting your account is made on the day following the date of delivery confirmation.

Your payments are secured by the Interbank Electronic Payment Center (CMI) which offers a fully secure payment service.

The Consumer guarantees Skillenium Company that they have the necessary authorizations to use the payment method chosen by them, when validating the Order form.

In case of payment by credit card, the provisions relating to the fraudulent use of the payment method provided for in the agreements concluded between the Consumer and the card issuer between Skillenium Company and its bank apply.

10. Data confidentiality :

The information requested from you is necessary for processing your order and is treated confidentially.
You have the right to rectify data concerning you. You may receive advertisements from unless you have stipulated that you refuse the use of your personal data for these purposes.

11. Right of withdrawal :

The Consumer has 7 days from the provision of the service to exercise their right of withdrawal, provided that the service has not been used. No refund will be made for services already consumed or partially used.

12. Guarantee :

Skillenium undertakes to provide services in accordance with the description and free from any technical defects. In case of malfunction, Skillenium undertakes to resolve it as soon as possible.

13. Proof of transactions paid by credit card :

The data recorded by the CMI on the payment platform on behalf of Skillenium constitutes proof of all commercial transactions between you and Skillenium Company.

14. Force majeure :

Skillenium is only bound to fulfill its obligations to the extent that no force majeure event hinders them.